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Buying Bulk



The average dressing percentage for most beef cattle is about 63%. A 1000 lb. animal would “dress out” at about 600 lbs. The live weight of most of our beef is between 1200-1400 lbs. On average our hanging weights are between 800 lbs and 900 lbs.

You take home the finished cuts or “yield”. The percentage of the hanging weight that remains is called the “yield” and is generally between 70 - 75% of hanging weight. This percentage varies based on a number of factors including: A whole beef costs you approximately $5.71 - $5.94 per pound of take-home meat.

















 Roasts (3-4 lbs each), Shoulder roast - 6-8 packages, Chuck roast - 12-15 packages, Sirloin tip roast - 5-6 packages, Rump roast - 2 packages, Eye of round roast - 4 packages, Steaks (standard is 3/4" thick, 2 per package) T-bone - 20-22 steaks, Rib eye - 24-26 steaks, Flank steak - 4 steaks, Round steak - 16-18 steaks, Sirloin 12-15 steaks, Tenderloin - whole or sliced, Ground beef - approximately 135-140 lbs, Stew meat - 14-15 1/2 lb packages, Short ribs - 5-6 pkgs (3-4 in a package), Soup bones - 8-9 packages, Heart and Tongue Brisket, Liver, OxTail, Tallow/Suet 





1/4 Beef

$3,85 per lb plus processing


1/2 Beef

$3.85 per lb plus processing


Whole Beef

$3.85 per lb plus processing



Average hanging weight on a whole beef is 800#-900# (weights can vary)


Processing prices at Berthold ND Memas Meats LLC. Butcher Shop as of 7/1/22

  • $1.00 per lb hanging weight


(Not responsible for price changes at Butcher Shop)



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